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Welcome to new center manager, Casey Thomson!

Casey Thomson

The de Tornyay Center for Healthy Aging is pleased to welcome Casey Thomson as our new center manager. Thomson has been serving as the center’s interim manager since Heather Wicklein Sanchez retired, and we’re excited to have Thomson onboard in a permanent capacity. She brings years of experience managing operations with the Center for Global Health Nursing, and will continue that expertise in both roles.

“I am excited to be a part of the passionate team that support students and faculty to achieve their professional and personal goals through the de Tornyay Center for Health Aging,” said Thomson. “I grew up in the Seattle area and spent many hours as a child visiting my mother who worked as a nurse in care communities for older adults. It is with this lens that I came to understand that nursing care can encompass more than just tending to the ill and that there are a multitude of ways to improve a person’s health.”